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Stanford CS248A (Assignments 2 and 3)


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This is the main scene editing mode in Cardinal3D, and does not contain tasks for the student to implement. This mode allows you to load full scenes from disk, create or load new objects, export your scene (COLLADA format), and edit transformations that place each object into your scene.

Creating Objects

There are three ways to add objects to your scene:

To save your scene to disk (including all meshes and their transformations) use the Export Scene option.

Cardinal3D supports loading objects from the following file formats:

Cardinal3D only supports exporting scenes to COLLADA.

Managing Objects

Left clicking on or enabling the check box of your object under Select an Object will select it. Information about that object’s transformation will appear under Edit Object beneath the “Select an Object” options.

Under Edit Object, you may directly edit the values of the object’s position, rotation (X->Y->Z Euler angles), and scale. Note that clicking and dragging on the values will smoothly scale them, and Control/Command-clicking on the value will let you edit it as text.

You can also edit the transformation using the Move, Rotate, and Scale tools. One of these options is always active. This determines the transformation widgets that appear at the origin of the object model.

Finally, you may remove the object from the scene by pressing Delete or hitting the Delete key. You may swap to Model mode with this mesh selected by pressing Edit Mesh. Note that if this mesh is non-manifold, this option will not appear.

Key Bindings

Key Command
m Use the Move tool.
r Use the Rotate tool.
s Use the Scale tool.
delete Delete the currently selected object.
